Vayermans Post:
We do not release updates before we release our new design, which should come out really soon! Because we have lots of improvements ready.I like the idea of clan leaders becuase when the original owner if away or sick,etc.He can give his power to one of his trusted or any member to do if work for him while he is gone
It's also great we have some time to think about clan wars, so let's use it wisely ;)
Here is my vision of this feature:
•strong clans which collect lots of mana should consist of strong members. Weak members can lead to loosing the war, so it's better for them to join smaller clans.
•There is no need for stronger clan to attack weak clan, because they will lose fame, altair usage and receive few mana, even if they win the war.
•wars should not be fast, even if someone clicks hard or does not sleep :) I would like clan wars last a day or two
•later on, we will add strategies and special clan upgrades during the war. It will make clan wars much more intellectual effort :)
•there will be alliances, so they will be able to join wars
•I am thinking about allowing to have multiple wars at the same time :)
Upcoming improvements
1. Rush
Now this feature works like this: "If all of opponent's clan members are on the vacation or have less than 50 of health", you win the war. Let's call it 'Rush'
This feature was added to let 'passive' clan members lose the war. I think you will agree that they deserve that LOL :)
However, this creates problem that you can lose the war while you sleep :) And it is not really well.
So we will add another conditions to make 'Rush' work:
- you need to remove at least 50% of opponents clan defense to make rush work
- or, you need to repeat your rush not faster than 12 hours from your first rush
So rapid attack will still have advantage, but opponent's side will have some chances.
2. Preparation time
Here, I have doubts should we leave it 30 mins, or increase to 6 hours or even 10 hours?
What do you think?\
7Wiz Master
I am sorry, it's getting more complicated, but such games have some logic and that's why I love'em.
Let's make our game the best one together
Mistress of Magic's Post
Hello Wizards ;)
Vacation over, sword sharpened and back to business xD
Clan wars started while I was away and I am pleased to see that Smurfet led No Mercy to victory and we only have 7 team members :D We are in 6th place tho, so let's have a look at who's leading the clan board!
The Avengers led by Aurora is topping the charts with a huge fame score of 1656!
Elite Wizards led by Royaltapdancer holds 2nd place with 1544 of fame!
In 3rd place is the Wizard Kings, led by Kingsonnest with fame 1417!
Well done to all of you, did you take part in Clan Wars?? Did you win?
My sword may be sharpened but my wizard seems unfit, (I came back to a lot of bruises XD) So I shall spend some time in training and work on upgrading Mind!!
Come dance with me ;)
Mistress Of Magic