Mistress of Magic posted about how to dress up your character
Step 1:Just highlight the avatar tab and a sub menu appears with the words Dress Up, click that and it will open the dress up screen under the chat!!
From this screen just scroll through all the various style there is, using the little arrows at the sides!
7Wizards has some great animé styles and you can make your Wizard look awesome!
Choose your favourite outfit and then choose the color you want the clothes to be, click on the little color wheel next to each choice of change and it will open up a large color wheel, from here you can select whatever shade you like!!
Pick your choice of weapon and even they have a choice to change color to match your outfit, this is the same with the backgrounds!! Click save when you are finished and you're done!!
(I still can't dress my character,It always reloads to the homepage :( IDK what your supposed to have)
Thanks for the post "Mistress of Magic"
~ _Piper_Paint_ (Owner of Blog)