Vayerman made a post of how to manage your pet.Here is what he said
•all of our pets have equal basic skills and only look is different (however, we may want to change it on higher levels :)
•each pet may be in active mode or 'in cage/not active' mode
•when in active mode, your pet attacks your opponents when you attack!
•when in active mode, you pet may be attacked by other pets
•when in active mode, your pet may be killed, if his health gets 0. (this is really sad, so I had to think about it again)
•when your pet is killed, you are able to resurrect it! (I don't like to be sad lol)
•when in cage, your pet cannot be attacked or killed, but also your pet cannot fight together with you
•you may train your pet and make it stronger and stronger
•you may buy special upgrades for your pet
That's basically all for the beginning about pets :) Let's hope we manage to include them into the first release! :)
~Piper (Owner of Blog)